
Tagged: planning

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What I learnt today: about plans and how they turn out

Today was the first day of Createcamp. I’ve looked forward to this for a very long time and I’m glad it’s finally happening. I made a ton of plans for this weekend but I didn’t really know how they would turn out. To be perfectly honest: I was rather sceptical.

But my scepticism was totally unjustified. The schedule I had put together and all the other organisational bits that I had mulled over time and time again really worked out today. Everything went smoothly and we’re already a little bit ahead of schedule which means, there’s more time for creating things over the next two days.

I’m really happy with the way things turned out today. And it gives me a little bit more faith for my future plans. That’s what I learnt today.

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What I learnt today: what I should do more often

This week I’m making the last preparations for a little event that I organised and that’s taking place the coming weekend. As the day of the event closes in, there seems to be more and more stuff to think of, more and more things to put together and in general just more and more work to do to make it happen.

One might think of it as a stressful undertaking, but I have to admit that I really enjoy this kind of stress at the moment. Today I remembered the time when I gave photography workshops years back and I realised that I had the same satisfying experience of organising them at the time. It seems to me that planning and getting events up is something I should do more often in the future. That’s what I learnt today.