I recently implemented a notes section on this website which accompanies the regular articles. There are currently three different types of notes: short text notes, photos and tweets. All of these notes are either published using the Processwire backend interface or syndicated via micropub endpoint. Each note then becomes a page in Processwire and therefore has it’s own URL.

I wanted to make adding these notes as easy as possible for me. One thing I had to consider was the fact that Processwire won’t let you create pages without a title. The title is also automatically translated into the URL for that page.

I didn’t want to enter a title each time I posted a note. I also wanted to create a consistent URL scheme that represented the date of the note’s creation. So I wrote a module that prefills the title field of a page with a configurable date string when the page is created.

The code is available on Github. It’s currently tailored to my needs, but I think it’s easily adaptable to other scenarios as well.